
Legend 9: Official English mob names by Joymax

Old name from Korean translation - New official name
Priest guard - Priest of Defense
Power priest - Priest of Authority
Healing priest - Priest of Healing
Gale priest - Priest of Gale
Flame priest - Priest of Flames
Horror priest (Fear priest) - Priest of Terror
Imouthes - Imhotep
Revenge priest - Priest of Vengeance
Justice priest - Priest of Punishment
Rage mummy - Mummy of Wrath
Hubris mummy - Mummy of Arrogance
Spirit monster of greed - Departed Soul of Avarice
Spirit of destruction - Departed Soul of Destruction
Sand hyena - Sand Hyena
Blood hyena - Blood Hyena
Chief hyena - Chief Hyena
Bastet - Bastet
Bast - Bast
Telbasta - Telbasta
Harpy - Hapy
Reret - Lileth
Dark harpy - Dark Khepri
Blood harpy - Blood Khepri
Lightning harpy - Lightning Khepri
The harpy - Khepri’s Ashes
Dark Sand Man - Dark Sandman
Blood Sand Man - Blood Sandman
Devil Sand Man - Devil Sandman
Septu - Sopdu
Sopedu - Sopedu
Petbe - Petbeh
Apis - Apis
Sphinx - Sphinx
Sekhmet - Sekhmet
Nephthys - Nephthys
Horus - Horus
Osiris - Osiris
Selkis - Selkis
Neith - Neith
Anubis - Anubis
Isis - Isis
Haroeris - Haroeris
Eris - Eris
Seth - Seth
Unegu - ~no translation~
Wenegu - ~no translation~
Tathen - ~no translation~
Tenen - ~no translation~
Windspider - ~no translation~
Camelspider - ~no translation~
Desert bug - Desert bug
Sand bug - Sand bug
Daemon bug - Demon bug
Evil bug - Evil bug
Selkion - Selchion
Sandsting - Sand Sting
Achnish - Aknish
Achnishlama - Aknish Lama
Mont - Mhont
Mont killer - Mhont Killer
Berserk Keisas - Chasus Berserker
Keisas - Chasus
Harsapheth - Harsapeth
Harsmess - Harmeth
Devil worm - Devil Worm
Sand worm - Sandworm
Coelacanth - Sylakenth
Coelacan - Sylaken
Sandraider - Sand Raider
Cruelraider - Cruel Raider
Uraeus - Ure'uth
Mehen - Mehen
Dark scout - Dark Scout
Sand scout - Sand Scout
Aker - Aker
Akeru - Akeru
Heron - Heron
Hike - Hyke
Tomb statue - Statue of Eternal Life

New mobs:
Seal Protecter
Seal Guardian
Statue of Eternal Life (an other one)

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