iSRO's update from today gives us some new text lines which could show what Joymax releases in the future.
Webshop / Web Gacha
The Korean texts mention a 웹실크몰 (Web mall), 웹팡카드 (Web Gacha, Gacha is a luck game like Magic POP) and something like an item storage. Since these texts will appear ingame a direct connection between the websites and the game client seems possible. But the features are actually not a great invention. cSRO has a web mall with cheap silk items since years, jSRO has a cool web game where you get random cards and must collect them to get a reward. Just on kSRO/iSRO this is something new.
Production system
This seems to be a new alchemy system where you can make items using recipes. Example text strings: "Learn production recipe", "Do you want to learn how to make that item? [number] gold needed.", "If you learned a recipe you can create an item" and "Material is not required in the recipe."
Items of the categories Fortress War, Alchemy, Pets and Trade can be created. More details are unknown at the moment.
Triangular conflict update
Players seem to be able to invest gold in traders, and once the traders do a successful traderun the player who invested will receive a commission (or something like that). For this, a special Trading Box item will be needed. (I think the investor must buy the box and give it to the trader, and once the trade is finished he gets gold, not sure about how exactly it works)
If players want to get a job, jobs that already are used by a high amount of players can not be chosen anymore. If for example 80% of the server's players are traders and hunters, new characters can only chose thief as a job. Quitting the current job will cost 10,000,000 gold.
For job level-ups, gold and/or items will be needed in the future.
Well, that's all we know so far, I'll post again if I find out more ^_^
Silkroad 2
Was already known that Joymax is developing the sequel of Silkroad, Silkroad 2. I found a bit more details about it browsing around Korean tech news ^^
Basically says, that Silkroad 2 will have RvR. Also it will be centered on the myths and gods.
It's expected to be released during the 2011 (probably in summer). The location changed a bit and probably we are going to play as a new race, and not the ones we are used to.
Some pics:

I can't understand much Korean but I think that's basically what the notice says. Feel free to submit corrections XD
PS: Did you ever wondered how the Silkroad servers looks like? ^^
Basically says, that Silkroad 2 will have RvR. Also it will be centered on the myths and gods.
It's expected to be released during the 2011 (probably in summer). The location changed a bit and probably we are going to play as a new race, and not the ones we are used to.
Some pics:

I can't understand much Korean but I think that's basically what the notice says. Feel free to submit corrections XD
PS: Did you ever wondered how the Silkroad servers looks like? ^^
iSRO new silk items / Halloween event
After the Halloween Dress 2010, a dress called Dragon Dress will be released. Joymax described it in the newest kSRO Media.pk2 file as a "Costume worn by Dragon Warrior" (google translator ftw).
Also, they already translated the texts of the Pharaoh Tomb Dungeon ticket to English what could mean that this item comes to iSRO soon. The English description:
A premium quest ticket has also been added and this item too has its English description already:
Information about iSRO's Halloween event have been released:
Same event as last year?
Also, they already translated the texts of the Pharaoh Tomb Dungeon ticket to English what could mean that this item comes to iSRO soon. The English description:
Unlimited entrance chance to the Tomb of Pharaoh.
How to use
When you enter the Tomb of Pharaoh, usage begins.
A premium quest ticket has also been added and this item too has its English description already:
Premium Quest (Purification seed) can be executed one at a time.
How to use
When the item is clicked, usage begins. Having multiple Premium Quest Tickets will decrease each time the quest has been completed. During the Premium Item period, the premium quest can be done continuously if a premium ticket is purchased.
Information about iSRO's Halloween event have been released:
Hello. This is Silkroad Online.
On October 31, Halloween day, Silkroad has prepared the Halloween event.
Scare away the GhostSungSungs from all over the fields. You will receive rewards like Halloween Bomb, scrolls, and others.
Also, an updated Halloween avatar will be available for sale. For more information, please check the Silkroad homepage. Thank you.
Event Period : 10/26/2010 ~ 11/9/2010 (Before the inspection)
Same event as last year?
Gump's Blog
Since many people complained on the last entry about the lack of sources, we are going to publish the blog of Gump. He is one of the Joymax developers. His blog is not only about Silkroad, but many stuff and so. I found it around 4 months ago looking for Forgotten World pics.
Whatever, this is the link to the notice that we posted on the last entry:
Blog link:
We are going to keep translating interesting entries from that blog.
Also he sometimes offer job positions on Joymax, if you are Korean keep an eye on his blog, =3
Whatever, this is the link to the notice that we posted on the last entry:
Blog link:
We are going to keep translating interesting entries from that blog.
Also he sometimes offer job positions on Joymax, if you are Korean keep an eye on his blog, =3
Silkroad Team Seminar: Jobbing = Fail / Baghdad mentioned
On October 13 there was a seminar with the development teams from Silkroad 1 and Silkroad 2. A level designer from Joymax reported about the results of the meeting.
Later he writes about expansions and updates of games:
The other things are very theoretical about the design of online game worlds itselves and not that interesting. If I get more information about why he referred to "Baghdad" as a city in SRO, I'll post it here~
The core system of a game is important for the player's experiences
Lineage = mainly PvP => successful system
Mabinogi = rebirth => half succcess
Silkroad = triangular conflict => failed system
Why did the triangular conflict system fail?
- In early levels you can get a good amount of gold, but later on it's worth nothing.
- Level difference between thief players and trader players makes jobbing difficult
- Lack of content, jobbing gets boring after a while
- If you go jobbing you have less time to level up your character
The success of the core system is usually related to the game's success.
It's the very rare case that a game with a failed core system like Silkroad is successful. In this case, the atmosphere of the game world made it a success.
Later he writes about expansions and updates of games:
Dungeons and cities are openingBaghdad, hmm? Islam race or what? >_< I'll maybe send him a mail to get more information about what he means.
WoW: Icecrown (Dungeon)
Silkroad: Baghdad (city) (yes he really wrote 바그다드 (Baghdad))
[...] (we don't care about his explanations about the icecrown in WoW, he just says with small updates they add some more things every week or so)
Silkroad's Baghdad
A large update reveals the city of Baghdad for the first time. (large patch = 1 dungeon or 1 city added with every patch)
Baghdad is very much a concept of production and is divided into 3 parts, that means 3 large patches.
The city and the obstacles work with a minimum of equipment (I think he means with a minimum of work) rather than the production of multiple small patches.
The World must be divided in 3 regions:
- The field where the core system must be the game content
- The dungeons in which you have bosses (Final Boss is based on the pattern and nature of planning the entire monster)
- The cities for resting and for transportation if necessary
The other things are very theoretical about the design of online game worlds itselves and not that interesting. If I get more information about why he referred to "Baghdad" as a city in SRO, I'll post it here~
Design changed
The voting resulted in a change of the design to a new - Flame Mountain one. Do you like it or not? Any suggestions? Leave a comment!
Jupiter Temple: Mob list (2)
Got the Jupiter Temple mob names now (roughly translated to English). Some information about the mythology is at the links.
Nike Lion
Griffin Guard
Immortal Griffin
Immortal Guard
Immortal Watcher
Angry Fanatic
Mean Fanatic
Baal's Devil Dog
Baal's Watchdog
Charm Witch
Distorted Fanatic
Fear Serpent
Twisted Fanatic
Immortal Protector
Nightmare Serpent
Apollo's Lion
Apollo's Lion 2 (really, the Korean name is 아폴로의2)
Cursing Fanatic
Dark Devil
Blood Witch (some kind of vampire?)
Watcher Of Desire
The Earth (quite unsure why they named a mob like that)
Dark Dog
Babilion (maybe Babylon, not sure)
Nike Lion
Griffin Guard
Immortal Griffin
Immortal Guard
Immortal Watcher
Angry Fanatic
Mean Fanatic
Baal's Devil Dog
Baal's Watchdog
Charm Witch
Distorted Fanatic
Fear Serpent
Twisted Fanatic
Immortal Protector
Nightmare Serpent
Apollo's Lion
Apollo's Lion 2 (really, the Korean name is 아폴로의2)
Cursing Fanatic
Dark Devil
Blood Witch (some kind of vampire?)
Watcher Of Desire
The Earth (quite unsure why they named a mob like that)
Dark Dog
Babilion (maybe Babylon, not sure)
Jupiter Temple: Mob list
With today's kSRO update we got the list of all mobs in the upcoming Jupiter Temple dungeon. Note that these are not their ingame names but their mob IDs. We can also see that some mobs are again just copies from others.
MOB_JUPITER_NIKE_LION (looks like Selene's Lion)
MOB_JUPITER_APOLLO_LION (looks like Selene's Lion)
MOB_JUPITER_APOLLO_LION2 (looks like Selene's Lion)
MOB_JUPITER_MINO (looks like Cowking from Flame Mountain)
MOB_JUPITER_DEVIL_DARK (looks like Flame Captain from Flame Mountain)
MOB_JUPITER_DESIRE_WATCH (looks like Sand hyena)
MOB_JUPITER_THE_EARTH1 (looks like the Kiklopes-like Fortress War unique)
MOB_JUPITER_BABILION_CLON (even though it says CLON it seems to have its own look)
More facts about the mobs are unknown at the moment.
MOB_JUPITER_NIKE_LION (looks like Selene's Lion)
MOB_JUPITER_APOLLO_LION (looks like Selene's Lion)
MOB_JUPITER_APOLLO_LION2 (looks like Selene's Lion)
MOB_JUPITER_MINO (looks like Cowking from Flame Mountain)
MOB_JUPITER_DEVIL_DARK (looks like Flame Captain from Flame Mountain)
MOB_JUPITER_DESIRE_WATCH (looks like Sand hyena)
MOB_JUPITER_THE_EARTH1 (looks like the Kiklopes-like Fortress War unique)
MOB_JUPITER_BABILION_CLON (even though it says CLON it seems to have its own look)
More facts about the mobs are unknown at the moment.
iSRO GM confirms: Silk buying bots get no ban
[GM]Balacas has released some informations about the way bot bans work in iSRO in the official Forum (GM Lounge).
First, he gave a quite unimpressive answer: (translated from German to English)
But now he gave some more detailed information who gets banned and who not.
At this point I want to thank [GM]Balacas (who will read this post too I guess? :P).
I hope the bosses don't punish you for just saying the truth about the iSRO bot ban situation.
In the Screenshot Gallery published by 3ste_Muschi he admits that some GMs are using sBot. Interesting.
First, he gave a quite unimpressive answer: (translated from German to English)
Will silk buying bots also be banned?
Well, I already waited for this question. I'm not allowed to say that but you know the answer. I just say: Wimps!
But now he gave some more detailed information who gets banned and who not.
Big praise to you. I also noticed that some things changed. But only because wemade took over this crap.(to all who speak German: ich konnte keine gute Übersetzung für "Saftladen" finden... hat jemand nen Vorschlag?)
"Crap" is a good expression! I'm really frustrated the last days. Well, WeMade changed some things but they are still too "soft".
Bots that spawn in the cities or have silk are not allowed to be touched. That's a catastrophe. I can understand that with the silk (suggestions to change that got ignored) and about the others in the cities I hear "They don't do anything or could be users". Oh I say it: it's sick! (Sorry, gotta say that)
I would kick them all out if they pay or not. Bot is bot for me. But I'm not allowed to do anything.
At this point I want to thank [GM]Balacas (who will read this post too I guess? :P).
I hope the bosses don't punish you for just saying the truth about the iSRO bot ban situation.
In the Screenshot Gallery published by 3ste_Muschi he admits that some GMs are using sBot. Interesting.
Old SRO screenshots [July 2004]
Yoh guys, I'm back from my autumn holidays so I have to post something :P
(some quite important news will follow in the next days, but for now just screenshots of the SRO beta)
(some quite important news will follow in the next days, but for now just screenshots of the SRO beta)
Job quests - More info
More information about the upcoming job quests =3
We've now the names of the quests, and the things that you have to do on them. Basically:
For Traders:
There are not quests for traders! Only Hunters and Thieves will be able to obtain and complete the job quests. Seems Joymax preffer give more rewards to the other jobs than add more benefits to the traders (which already recieve a reasonable amount of money delivering the stuff).
For Hunters:
* The quests can be obtained through a new NPC which is going to appear on every city (except Alexandria).
* They have 2 kind of missions:
* The quests are sorted by level. This means you only will be able to complete the quests killing thieves and protecting traders which are around your level.
For the Thieves:
* The quests can be obtained through a new NPC which is going to appear on every city (except Alexandria).
* They have 2 kind of missions:
* The quests are sorted by level. This means you only will be able to complete the quests killing hunters/traders and stealing traders which are around your level.
More info coming soon. Joymax only updated one file so most of this info are predictions (usually I'm right). All the new text from where I build this entry can be found here.
We've now the names of the quests, and the things that you have to do on them. Basically:
For Traders:
There are not quests for traders! Only Hunters and Thieves will be able to obtain and complete the job quests. Seems Joymax preffer give more rewards to the other jobs than add more benefits to the traders (which already recieve a reasonable amount of money delivering the stuff).
For Hunters:
* The quests can be obtained through a new NPC which is going to appear on every city (except Alexandria).
* They have 2 kind of missions:
- Obtain quests items from the NPC/Player thieves.
- Protect successfuly the traders on his travel (mission gets completed when you get the Hunter experience while the trader sells the goods).
* The quests are sorted by level. This means you only will be able to complete the quests killing thieves and protecting traders which are around your level.
For the Thieves:
* The quests can be obtained through a new NPC which is going to appear on every city (except Alexandria).
* They have 2 kind of missions:
- Obtain quests items from the NPC/Player hunters/traders.
- Steal the goods from the traders and delivering them to the Bandit Den (mission gets completed when you get the Thief experience while you are selling the stolen goods).
* The quests are sorted by level. This means you only will be able to complete the quests killing hunters/traders and stealing traders which are around your level.
More info coming soon. Joymax only updated one file so most of this info are predictions (usually I'm right). All the new text from where I build this entry can be found here.
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