
New Alchemy System: Official Information

Sorry for the kinda bad translation.


1. yeongeumseok / sokseongseok Pension materials (elements) Level Changes

* Yeongeumseok / sokseongseok rating of the elements needed to create yeongeumseok / sokseongseok rank equally with the changes.
* Equipment Parts, a byproduct obtained during dissolution of the elements that grade level and the same products or equipment changes.

2. Yeongeumseok / sokseongseok direct drop

* Tablet combination of elements and was able to get through yeongeumseok / Monster sokseongseok items can be obtained through hunting.
* Yeongeumseok / sokseongseok / elriksireu item is dropped on the floor, "special sound effects" will be displayed. .

3. Advanced elixir (100% probability of success of the special elixir items)

# - There is Advanced Elixir Grade-A and Grade-B.
- Advanced elixir (A grade): 100% chance to increase +1 rating helps strengthen.
- Advanced elixir (B grade): 100% chance to increase +2 rating helps strengthen.
- Advanced elixirs otherwise strengthen the existing order (1st-12 degrees) each exist.
- Advanced elixirs are divided into common and rare.
- Advanced elixirs (rare) use the same icon, but the shiny effect and can distinguish between the tooltip information.

# How to get
- Equipment decomposition can be obtained by chance.
- Disassemble the item's type (normal / rare), corresponding to the advanced elixirs can be obtained.
- Disassemble the items that correspond to areas of high elixirs can be obtained.
- Corresponding to +1 in order to disassemble the items may acquire a special elixir.

# How to use
- Any item that can be used only 1 advanced elixir.
- Screenshot of the following items, such as whether to use a tooltip to display the advanced elixir.

[Note: the red text means: Advanced Elixir already used on this item]

* - Advanced elixirs the same or lower than the rank of the items are all available.
(For example) a special 11th-1st through 11th elixir alchemical items that can be tried.


KSRO Legend 9 - Heroes of Alexandria opens on 09-09-2009, the client will be released 2 days earlier.

1 comment:

  1. entendi um poco do novo silkroad global... vlw
    mas falta muita coisa a ser dita...
