
jSRO Hunter vs Thief testserver

The jSRO testserver for the Hunter vs Thief update has closed yesterday. Of course I played there a bit and can deliver you some screens. Not many new stuff but testservers are always fun ^_^

This is what you get right after you create the character. Some differences compared to the last testserver. No nova items. :(

NPCs now sell 10d items too.

I played a bit with recipes. Unfortunally I didn't have enough materials to produce highest grade job equipment items >_>

It's a Game Master online at 4 AM japanese time. Do asians never sleep? :O

So-Ok offers a luck game where you can win items. You need an item, click the button to participate and if you have luck you will win an other item. For 50k gold you can win 1m gold (success rate was not even low).

Since most other things from the update are already known in iSRO I didn't specially tested them. It was still quite fun and really everyone was job-fighting!

By the way: this is where I got the new avatar pictures from :P


  1. just wondering how do you get to play on a test server,what are the requirements to be able to do things like this

  2. be at the right time, at the right place. everyone can play testservers.

  3. I hope iSRO will be like that.

  4. hey, tell me do you have an autopot for jsro? can't find one. would be great.


  5. how can I download JSRO?

  6. @Phi: No, you must either program your own one or buy the auto potion ticket in the item mall.
    @Anonymous: www.silkonline.jp, non-japanese IPs are banned.

  7. can iny ony tell me how to play on this server

  8. @Anonymous: You can't, it's down -.-

  9. If I'd know how to buy silk, mhh..
    let's see if any Autopot for ecsro or sth works.. 'cause I can't program my own, dunno how^^

  10. Since you start with a pretty high job level, could you tell us what pets (and their HP-s) are we going to get once we get up to that level too?

  11. @Phi: ECSRO autopots can't work. 1. other offsets in the client 2. hackshield prevents you from using keypresser

    @Anonymous: I could only test 101, you get a buffalo as first skill pet and an elephant at the 2nd skill.
