
Joymax prepares new features

iSRO news
Joymax translated all Legend XI: Hunter vs Thief texts and the Fortress War changes from Legend X to English now. This could mean that Hunter vs Thief is coming to iSRO soon. But some stuff seems to be specially changed for iSRO. In kSRO Legend XI for example you have to pay 10 million gold to change your job. For iSRO, the current translation is:
You require 100,000,000,000 Gold to abandon your Job. Upon abandoning the Job, all information related to your Job will be initialized.
Are you sure you want to continue?
So, either a Legend VI+ with just small updates (fortress war) or a Legend VII with all stuff of kSRO's Hunter vs Thief will be released in the next weeks/months.

kSRO news
Joymax released information that a server move for characters will be possible. Translated from korean:
Server move has been registered on the list. Character movement is applied after the weekly routine inspection.
There are no information yet if that will cost something, but why should Joymax do it for free? :P


  1. Might be miswritten like the registration at the consignment system is.

  2. I guess it's because iSRO has more gold...bots.

  3. lawl, now all of korean players will move out from byzantine xaxa

  4. So if we use logic, that transfering from server to server is very funny thing ;D. You wait for new server to open and just go there to take fortress by yourself or you take like 3 friends with you :D. And fortress is yours right? :D

  5. nice work thx =)
    but whats the matter with the fortress war change in isro??
    and you have to pay 100b gold for job change lol?! (you perhaps have 3 zeros to much?? 100m is realistic but 100b?!)
    thx for reply keep goin :D
