
Constantinople Fortress

As I said 2 months ago, on the last entry (yea, not many news lately lol), Joymax was preparing the new Constantinople Fortress. Well, it is already out for SRO-R. I've made a video showing it so you can see how big it is and how it is structured:

Also, I have to correct something I said on the last entry, Joymax added some more info since then, what I saw back then was a part of the upcoming update, the new cap is 130, not 125. Sorry for that ^^


  1. awsome
    double gates +only1 entry to the heart with respawn so close to heart
    truly hard to steal =))

  2. so lame, silkroad is becoming so boring

  3. silkroad is a dead game, nothing more than pvp, instead play vindictus =)
